Completed projects


  1. The Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East project, funded by the European Commission (2014) Provision of services for a video production on air quality in the ENPI East Countries
  2. VP3 Cohesion Action Plan VP3-1 Local And Urban Development, Preservation Of Cultural Heritage And Nature And Their Adaptation To Tourism Development (2012-13) START WITH YOURSELF – cycle of seminars-quizzes about renewable energy through Lithuania with final contests for the winners in TV programme named the same
  3. The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Support Programme for NGO Cooperation among the Nordic and Baltic Countries (2009-2010) TV Project „Experience of green energy in Scandinavia”
  4. VP3 Cohesion Action Plan VP3-1 Local And Urban Development, Preservation Of Cultural Heritage And Nature And Their Adaptation To Tourism Development 2010-2011) START WITH YOURSELF – promotion of air pollution lessening while implementing energy saving facilities and renewable energy sources by informing about them in TV and radio programmes
  5. 2004-2006-2008 years Programming Document Priority 1 Measure 1.3 “Improving the quality of the environment and prevention of environmental damage” presenting projectThe creation and installation of center for  combined information for public awareness” in TV programme “Start With Yourself”
  6. Ministry of Environment Republic of Lithuania (2006 – 2009) waste management reflection in cycle of TV programmes “Cycle”
  7. Dictorate General of State Forests Ministry of Environment Republic of Lithuania (2006 – 2010) – problems of Lithuanian forests in cycles  of TV programmes “Start With Yourself” and “Hello, Nature?”
  8. 2004-2006 years Programming Document Priority 1 Measure 1.3 “Improving the quality of the environment and prevention of environmental damage” “Environmental education for public in TV programmes “Start With Yourself” (84 programmes)
  9. Vilnius City Municipality (2005) “Dissemination of information in TV programmes “Start With Yourself” about program “Insulate Your Dwelling”
  10. Vilnius City Municipality (2005) “Dissemination of information in TV programmes “Start With Yourself” about program “Green Vilnius”
  11. 2004-2006 years Programming Document Priority 1 Measure 1.3 “Improving the quality of the environment and prevention of environmental damage” LR AM VSTT (2006) presentation of carried projects in TV programmes (13 programmes)
  12. EU Regional Development Fund (2008) “Hazardous waste management in Lithuania: trainings for implementation of hazardous waste management’s system” (5 TV programmes and a film”)
  13. EU Regional Development Fund (2008) “Adapting Vilnius University Botanical Garden infrastructure for tourism” (3 TV programmes and a film)
  14. Presenting projects for increasing energy efficiency by LR Ministry of Economy (2004) in TV programmes “Start With Yourself”.
  15. Presenting projects by LR Ministry of Environment (2003) in TV programmes “Start With Yourself”.
  16. Small Projects Programme (2004-2005) “Renewable energy – its perspectives in Lithuania” (12 programmes)
  17. Small Projects Programme (2003-2004 “Ecological problems and their solutions in TV programmes” (42 programmes)
  18. Dutch Embassy (2001 – 2002) “Perspectives of ecological building technologies in Lithuania”
  19. ACCESS 1999 (2001-2003) „Lithuania’s integration into the EU: environmental awareness and educational campaign“ (22 programmes)
  20. Phare ACCESS Programme GEF SPP (2001-2002) „Reflection of EU environmental projects in Lithuania TV programme “Stop – Nature”
  21. SIDA(2001-2002) „TV coverage of Swedish assistance for Lithuania in the field of environment” (4 programmes)
  22. DANCEE (2001-2002) „Reflection of Danish environmental projects in Lithuania TV programme “Stop – Nature” (10 programmes)
  23. Hedeselskabet (2000) „Natura 2000 in the Lithuania“ (6 programmes)
  24. Small Project Facility Programme (1999-2001) „Environmental awareness and educational campaign on the way towards Lithuania’s integration into the European Union“ (42 programmes)


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