NORDEN parama

The list of grant recipients NGOs 2006-2013

Priority areas:


  1. Media, democracy and society;
  2. Transparency in public administration and civic participation in public decision-making processes;
  3. Environmental awareness and education.


  1. Climate change and sustainable development (innovative and climate friendly tecnologies);
  2. Environmental awareness and education;
  3. Energy efficiency, renewable „green“ energy, efficiency of energy consumption, sustainable renovation


  1. Environmental protection
  2. Climate change
  3. Sustainable development
No. Lead partner Partners Project title
1. Lithuanian Statistical Association, Lithuania LT, EST, FI, LV, SE

Estonian Statistical Society

Finnish Statistical Society

Latvian Statistical Association

The Survey Section of the Swedish Statistical Association

Co-operation on Expanding the Capacity in Survey Sampling and Related Statistical Applications
2. Non-governmental non-profit public organization The Centre For Information And Support For Large Families LT, NO, LV

Home-Start familiekontakten


Vecumnieku Daudzbernu Gimenu Biedriba, Latvia

Home-Start For Social Inclusion in Baltic Sea Region
3. Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter LT, SE, LV

Transparency International Sweden

Transparency International Latvia

Promoting Media Transparency
4. Global Initiative in Psychiatry, Lithuania LT,SE,NO

Forum –Kvinnor och Handikapp

Welfare Society for persons with Mental Disability “Viltis”

Lisbeth Morlandstø from Norway

Reporting and Portrayal Mental Health Problems in Lithuanian, Swedish and Norwegian Media: Fighting Stigma & Xenophobia
5. Western Lithuania Consumer Federation LT, EST, SE

Tallinna Hoolekande Keskus/Tallinn Welfare House

Education, Research

and Consultancy Center in Klaipeda

Swedish Consumer Coalition

(Sveriges Konsumenter i


Innovative Consumers’ education on environment protection – public information and awareness raising
6. Public institution “Renewable energy information consultation centre”, LITHUANIA



Løb  – Landsforeningen  økologisk  byggeri

3. MTÜ  Ecoton (eSTONIA)

4. lITHUANIAN Accociation of Buildings Certification

5. Eiciunai Village Children and Youth Ocupation Centre

Promotion of strawbale building for the climate change mitigation



7. Lithuanian Medical Students’ Association



Finnish Medical Students” International Committee

Estonian Medical Students’ Association

Latvian Medical Students Association

Baltic friendship club. A new quality (HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PROMOTION)
8. Umbrella NGO „Pletros Sajudis“ (Moletai)  LT, DK, SE, LV

LOF Denmark

Studieforbundet Vuxenskolan Sweden

Ludza Region Local Active Group

Motivating People to Take Part in Active Citizenship, Local Democracy and Sustainable Rural Development in the Moletai Region
9. Lithuanian Gay League LT, SE, LV

Swedish RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights)

Mozaika, Latvia

A Media for Diversity
10. Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter LT, LV,SE

Transparency International Latvian Chapter

Transparency International Swedish Chapter

Comparative Transparency Study of Lithuanian, Latvian and Swedish Media
11. Youth Centre of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania LT, FI, DK

2. Ecumenal Youth, Denmark

3. Suomen Kristillinen Ylioppilasliitto, Finland

4. Orthodox Student Association of Finland

5. Student Christian Movement in Sweden

Norges Kristelige Studentforbund

Nordic Summer meeting of Student Christian Movement“ Religion in Democratic Society: Source for Unity or Confrontation?“
12. NGO Global Initiative in Psychiatry  LT, NO, SE

HSO Vasterbotten, Sweden

School of Journalism, Bodø University College, Norway

Image of Disabled in Lithuania – View from the Scandinavian Perspective
13. NGO DEMOS (Institute of Critical Thought) LT, NO, FI

Alliansen for Velferdsstaten, Norway

Public awareness campaign „Save a Child on the Road“
14. Baltic Environmental Forum, Lithuania
The Natural Step International, Sweden

Passivhuscentrum, Sweden\

Ekocentrum, Stiftelsen, Sweden

Strengthening NGO capacities in promoting corporate social responsibility among SMEs and raising awareness on more sustainable life style of society in Lithuania
15. Sustainable Development Initiatives LT, LV, DK, SE

Swedish Association for Renewable Energies (SERo), SE

The Ecological Council, DK

Latvian Fund for Nature, LV

Nordic-Baltic NGOs’ Cooperation for Sustainable Energy
16. Novus Credo LT, NO, SE

Environment Lillehammer, Norway

Doniro, Sweden

Developing ecotourism model for disabled persons in Lithuania (ECObility)
17. Association Lithuanian scouting LT, LV, EST, BY,SE, FI, DK, PL

Latvian Scouts and Guides central organization

Estonian Scout Association

Belarussian Republican Scout Association

The Swedish Guide and Scout Council

Finland Scouts and Guides

The Danish Guide and Scout Association

Poland scout  and guide association

Baltic Jamboree “Amber way” (focus on environment protection)
18. The Lithuanian Youth Council (LIJOT) LT, LV, EST, NO, SE, FI, RU, BY

Latvian Youth Council (LJP)

Estonian National Youth Council (ENL)

Norwegian Children and Youth Council (LNU)

National Youth Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU) Finnish Youth Co-operation Allianssi

“B-Young” (Youth for the Green Baltic Sea Region)
19. Lithuanian National Consumer Federation LT, FIN, NO, LV

Motiva Oy (Motiva) (FI)

Norges Naturvernforbund (NO), Latvian Consumers’ Protection Association (PIAA) (LV)

Innovative invitation for sustainable consumption and environment protection for implementing “Top-10” mark in collaboration with Nordic countries (“Top-10”)
20. Public Institution Energy Saving facilities LT, NO, LV


21. VšĮ “Vilniaus dailės centras” LT, SE, LV, CZ, PL

Latvian Bicycle information center, Swedish Cycle Advocacy Association

VELOMANIJA 2010 KLAIPĖDA – Democracy on Two Wheels
22. Lithuanian Fund for Nature (Lietuvos gamtos fondas) LT, SE, EST, LV,

WWF Sweden, Estonian and Latvian Funds for Nature

Promoting “biodiversity – friendly” farming systems in the Baltic countries
23. NGO Ovalu LT, DK, EST

Danish Electric Vehicle Committee, Estonian Electric Vehicle Association; Lithuanian Electric Vehicle Association

A Greener and Cleaner Nordic and Baltic Future (Public awareness campaign on green transport and e-vehicles)
24. NordAN – Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network LT,  LV, EE, IS

Lithuanian National Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition LNTACC (LT) Latvian National Coalition on Tobacco and Alcohol Control (LV), Estonian Temperance Union (EE), Iceland´s Samfo

The reinforcement of Nordic and Baltic NGOs in healthy lifestyles and advocacy
25 Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC) LT,  LV, EE, DK, FI, NO, SE

Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation, Estonian Green Movement, Latvian NGDL Platform LAPAS, Concord (DK), KEPA (FI), Kehys (FI), Concord (SE) Culture Clinic (SE),   Forum for Environment and Development (NO), Norwegian Peace Association (NO)

Development Co-operation in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: NGO-to-NGO Training and Networking
26. Lithuanian Forum for the Disabled LT, LV, SE

SUSTENTO (LV), the Centre Easy-to-Read (Centrum för lättäst),  SE

27. Utena Region Local Action Group ( Utena RLAG) LT, LV, FI

Finnish LAG Karelian Hill‘s Leader Association,  Latvian ‘Lauku partneriba Sėlija’ VRG

Changing Consumption Habits and Educating Individuals to Make them Capable of Seeking a Better Quality of Life: Traditional Art and Handcraft Exchange 2011-2012
28. “Atgaja” Community LT, LV, SE, FI

Latvian Green Movement. Partners: Sustainable Development Initiatives, the Swedish Environmental Movement’s Nuclear Waste Secretariat (Milkas); Greenpeace Nordic (SE)

Baltic-Nordic cooperation on capacity building and partnership for promotion of sustainable energy and enhance public debate on nuclear power development in Baltic Region
29. Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter LT, LV, EE, NO

Transparency International Norwegian chapter,  Transparency International Latvia/Delna; Transparency International Estonian chapter

Transparency International Summer School on Integrity: Building Common Nordic and Baltic Youth Values
30. Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights



Air Polution and Climate Secretariat (Sweden)

International Network for Sustainable  Energy (Denmark)

Atgaja (Lithuania(


“From screen to green!”


31. Association of people with disabilities of Lithuania



The Nordic Academy for Social Entrepreneurship

Association of People with Disabilities Apeirons (Latvia)

Estonian Union of Persons with Mobility Impairment (Estonia)

Everyone can Start-up


32. Lithuanian Fund for Nature



WWWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme (Sweden)

Pasaules Dabas Fonds (Latvia)

Estonian Fund for Nature


Promoting of sustainable fish consumption  in the Baltic states


33. VšĮ „Humana People to People Baltic‟



Uusimaa Martha District association (Finland)

Association Humana Estonia

Association People to People in Latvia

Feed me healthier!
34. NGO – “Social investment management center”


LT, DK, NO, Belarus, SE

Studieforbundet Vuxenskolan (Sweden)

LOF (Denmark)

Belarus Association for Lif-long Learning and Enlightenment

Senterungdommen (Norway)

“Roots of Food”


35. Lithuanian Association of Families with Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children PAGAVA



Swedish Association for Deaf, hearing impaired and language impaired children

Finnish Association of Parents of Deaf children


Co-operation among Nordic and Baltic Countries in the interest of families with deaf children



36. Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter LT, LV, EE, NO

Transparency International Norwegian chapter,  Transparency International Latvia/Delna; Transparency International Estonian chapter

Transparency International Summer School on Integrity: Building Common Nordic and Baltic Youth Values in the 21st Century
37. Charitable foundation „Maisto bankas“ LT, DK, EE

Charitable foundation „Maisto bankas“

FødevareBanken (Denmark)

SA Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond Päikeselill (Estonia)

Fighting Nordic-Baltic food waste together!
38. Lithuanian Entomological Society LT, LV, SE, DK

Lithuanian Entomological Society

Entomologisk Forening (Denmark)

Entomological Society of Sweden

Baltic Society of Coleopterology (Latvia)

Exchange of Nordic – Baltic experience on Conservation of Hermit Beetle
39. Lithuanian Forum for the Disabled LT, LV, SE

Lithuanian Forum for the Disabled

SUSTENTO (LV), the Centre Easy-to-Read (Centrum för lättäst),  SE

E-Access 4 all
40. Sustainable Development Initiatives LT, DK, LV

Sustainable Development Initiatives (Lithuania)

Center for Ildsjæle (DK)

Green liberty (LV)

Baltic NGOs capacities building for facilitation smart use of energy and energy reduction in small companies
41. Lithuanian Fund for Nature



Lithuanian Fund for Nature

Estonian Fund of Nature

Övermalax jaktklubb rf (Finland)

Conflict between grey seals and fishermen in Lithuania – problem evaluation, understanding and possibilities for cooperation
42. Vyskupo M. Valančiaus Vilkaviškio vyskupijos blaivystės sąjūdžio Kazlų Rūdos skyrius LT, BY, SE

Vyskupo M. Valančiaus Vilkaviškio vyskupijos blaivystės sąjūdžio Kazlų Rūdos skyrius

NGO «Enough drink up – need to live» (Belarus)

Möte Och Dialog (Sweden)


Nordic and Baltic countries against drugs -2013
  • Gamta juokauti nemėgsta, ji visada teisinga, visada rimta, visada griežta; ji visuomet teisi. Klysta ir apsirinka tik žmonės. Johanas Volfgangas Gėtė

  1. Kviečiame visus norinčius aplankyti Verkių atsinaujinančios energijos ekspoziciją registruotis